Knowledge popularization

What time does going to bed count as staying up...

What are the benefits of going to bed at 10pm?

What time does going to bed count as staying up...

What are the benefits of going to bed at 10pm?

2% muscle loss per year after age 40? 6 scienti...

First of all, loss of strength goes hand in hand with loss of muscle mass. 

2% muscle loss per year after age 40? 6 scienti...

First of all, loss of strength goes hand in hand with loss of muscle mass. 

Sun protection tips- UVB, UVA

Did you know that sun protection not only protects against UVB rays, but also UVA?

Sun protection tips- UVB, UVA

Did you know that sun protection not only protects against UVB rays, but also UVA?

"The most fundamental way to cure disease and a...

when the cells go wrong, disease will follow. 

"The most fundamental way to cure disease and a...

when the cells go wrong, disease will follow. 

Top 5 causes of aging, these things are speedin...

Sugar , Barbecue , Fried food , Ultraviolet light , Staying up late, all of this  makes you old,

Top 5 causes of aging, these things are speedin...

Sugar , Barbecue , Fried food , Ultraviolet light , Staying up late, all of this  makes you old,

Director of the Health Bureau: 50 years, no col...

If you want to be healthy, you should follow the laws of nature, not too particular 

Director of the Health Bureau: 50 years, no col...

If you want to be healthy, you should follow the laws of nature, not too particular