The "best anti-aging schedule" is here!

It's the same 24 hours a day ,About three meals a day ,Work life is not much different.Why do some people just look younger?Someone who looks older?

See "Best Anti-Aging Schedule" below

7:30 --Eat a nutritious breakfast

Eating a late breakfast could speed up the aging process, research suggests.

Those who ate their first meal at 10:26 a.m. showed greater biological age, with a 25 percent increased incidence of accelerated aging, compared to those who ate breakfast at 6:14 a.m.

There is a formula to remember for breakfast: "1+1+1+1". That is, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, animal foods (meat, fish, eggs and milk), beans/nuts.

8:00 --Take care of sun protection before going out

Ultraviolet light is one of the most powerful "killing pig knife", black, old, long spots are related to it. In winter, UV rays are only about 20% weaker than in summer, and there is still the possibility of sunburn.

10:00 --Drink 2 to 3 cups of tea every day

Studies have shown that 2-3 cups of tea a day has the best anti-aging effect, and 6-8 grams of tea a day has the best anti-aging effect.

12:00 --Eat an antioxidant lunch

A study published in the <<journal Aging>> in 2024 showed that intake of an antioxidant diet delayed biological aging.

Vitamins A, C, and E are known as the "iron triangle" of antioxidants. Meat, eggs and milk are good sources of vitamin A, fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C, and a handful of nuts contain vitamin E.

13:00 --Take a 30-minute nap

The 2023 study, published in the <<journal Sleep Health>>, analyzed data from people ages 40 to 69. The study found that habitual nappers had greater total brain volume, with the average difference in brain volume between habitual nappers and non-habitual nappers equivalent to 2.6 to 6.5 years of aging.

15:00 --Take a 30-minute nap:00 --Eat some citrus fruit

Eat more citrus fruits, can resist aging, can live long!

In 2023, a study published in the 《journal Nature Communications》 found a natural compound called nomylin in citrus fruits, as well as in orange seeds and peels.

By inducing mice to age and then treating them with nomylin, the researchers found that the premature aging state of the mice was improved and the lifespan was significantly extended.

18:00 --Eat a good dinner

Skipping dinner for a long time will increase the secretion of adrenaline in the body, which will promote the production of free radicals, and the result is to accelerate aging.

Dinner can be on the basis of eating some soybean products, eat a little fish and shrimp, lean meat and so on; Half of them can be green leafy vegetables.

19:00 --30 minutes moderate intensity exercise

 Studies show that sitting speeds up aging, while exercise slows it down. The more people in the study exercised, the younger their bodies were!

23:00 --Go to bed early and get a good night's sleep

Research shows that maintaining a stable sleep habit can help slow down the biological aging process. Compared with people with stable sleep habits, participants with larger deviations in bedtime times and larger differences in weekday and weekend sleep had a biological age of nine months.

15:00 --Eat some citrus fruit



