The importance of sugar control in life

Modern life, always busy with weight loss, beauty, fitness; Eating and staying up late.

At the same time, insomnia, anxiety, hemorrhoids, diabetes and other sub-health follow.

French "glucose goddess", biochemist Jessie. Anzespe tells us that these sub-health problems are often caused by changes in blood sugar levels in the body, but we don't know it.

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose in the blood. It is the most basic element of human life support and the main source of energy for body cells.

Maintaining normal blood sugar is essential to human health.

However, how can we scientifically balance blood sugar without dieting and giving up the foods we love?

We can learn a lot from the book Sugar Revolution

Like the importance of sugar control!

If our body were an airplane, glucose would be the joystick in the cockpit, the key to smooth flight.

Blood sugar imbalance, corresponding to the plane will be bumpy, concussion, severe cases will yaw out of control, or even crash.

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose in the blood.

Glucose is not only found in the blood, it permeates all parts of the body and affects almost every system in the body, as well as our mood, hunger, sleep, weight, skin, and more.


Once blood sugar is controlled, various health problems of the human body will be solved.

So how do people get glucose?

And that's through food. For example, pasta contains starch, which is converted into glucose.

Or take fruit. Contains not only glucose, but also fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is a combination of glucose and fructose.

It is important to note that glucose can be directly absorbed by the body, while sucrose needs to be broken down (half fructose, half glucose);

Second, glucose is the fuel your body needs, but fructose is not.

This has been very helpful to me.

Personally, I like to eat fruit very much, and in the past, I felt that it was OK to eat more fruit, so I ate it completely.

But in fact, the fruit of the 21st century, after several generations of cultivation, has less fiber and more sugar, which is why the fruit is sweeter now.


Through this book, I re-think the impact of "food" on human health.

In the past, I may only know that eating snacks is bad for your health, but I do not know the principle, but the Sugar Revolution tells me the answer from the underlying logic.

