How your body changes after an hour of running

Run for 1-5 minutes

The joints begin to release joint fluid and your body becomes flexible. At the same time, the heart beats faster, pumping more blood to meet the body's needs, and the heart muscle gets exercise


Run for 6-10 minutes

Blood vessels begin to dilate, bringing more blood and oxygen to the muscles. The body's fat, glycogen and protein are mobilized to start powering the body


Run for 11-20 minutes

Hormones are produced in your body to pump more energy into your muscles


Run for 21-30 minutes

Your brain starts to release dopamine, you feel happy, and your worries fade away


Run for 31-45 minutes

The more fat is consumed for energy, the more obvious the fat loss effect is


Run for 46-60 minutes

More carbohydrates are consumed and muscles begin to feel tired


