2025, take care of your health and emotions

Looking back on the past days, perhaps we have all been tired in fuel, rice, oil and salt, and have ignored themselves in the rush.

But this year, please remember to put your health and emotions first in your life.

The body is the starting point of everything.

Without health, everything is empty talk.

No amount of wealth, no amount of achievement, is more important than a healthy body.

Health is never taken for granted, it is the most important "principal" in our life, only by keeping it, we can have the power to pursue the "interest" of life.

Please treat your body well, don't trade health for temporary satisfaction.

Eat more vegetables and drink less liquor; 

Take more steps than sitting for hours.

Don't wait for the body to warn you to regret, the true love of yourself, is to take care of the body.

Emotional stability is the greatest decency of adults.

 Most of the time, it is not the difficulty of life that overwhelms us, but the collapse of emotions.

 When you're in a bad mood, even the smallest thing seems like a huge problem. When you are in a good mood, you can cope with the big wind and waves.

Try to live with your emotions.

Don't insist up when you are sad, allow yourself to cry; 

Don't depress when you're happy,  Let your laughter bloom.

Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't punish yourself with other people's emotions. Learning to listen to your heart and accept your emotions is the beginning of maturity.

 Learn to love yourself.

 Don't try to please others, and don't try to live what they expect you to live.

 You're not Superman.

 You don't have to be perfect at everything and everyone doesn't have to like you. Learn to reject pointless consumption and stay away from people and things that make you uncomfortable.

 Try to be kind to yourself. Buy yourself a favorite flower, read a relaxing book, or take a trip on the go.

 Life is busy, don't forget to give yourself some gentle time.

