Innovate "flash release" technology, rewrite the aging formula, and then fix the young ideal muscle

.Can not escape the anti-aging!

 Millions of people are concerned about anti-saccharification!

There are many theories about the culprits of aging, but in the mainstream,   there are currently three,  respectively, photoaging caused by sun exposure, free radical aging, and saccharification aging.

Photoaging can be avoided by physical and chemical sunscreen in daily life, but aging caused by glycation and free radicals is what we will discuss today.

So what is the saccharification that everyone is discussing, why saccharification = aging, to figure it out, may find the answer to change aging.

According to scientific literature, aging-related glycosylation is a short term, if the full name is used to understand non-enzymatic glycosylation, simply put, the glycosylation reaction is in the absence of enzymes, sugars and proteins combine, so that the protein loses its normal structure and color, brittle, yellow.

There are many kinds of proteins, for example, the collagen in our skin dermis is, if she reacts with sugar, the elasticity is reduced, and then, because of the ultraviolet light in the environment, free radicals are produced, which further leads to skin aging.

Saccharification will increase year by year, and sugar in the diet can not be ignored. Rice noodles, milk tea cake, excessive sugar will add too much burden to the skin, and even affect wound healing.

Anti-sugar four-step, prevent saccharification, freeze young ideal muscle:

1. Reduce saccharifying foods in the diet, such as baked and fried foods, increase the intake of anti-saccharifying foods, and eat a balanced diet, such as ginger, garlic, alpha-lipoic acid, rosemary, marjoram, carnitine, taurine, carnosine, etc.;

  2, go out with an umbrella and sunscreen;

  3, oral anti-saccharification beauty products;

  4. Go to bed early, get up early and exercise more.

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