How to Improve Immunity

Get enough sleep

Under normal circumstances, one third of a person's life is spent in sleep. For adults, it is necessary to ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep every day, and the sleep of the elderly should not be less than 6 hours. If you ensure adequate sleep every day, your mental state will become better during the day, and it is not easy to feel tired or have memory loss. Develop regular and reasonable sleep habits, and immune function can be naturally improved.

Rational movement

Insist on exercise, immune function will naturally improve a lot. "Life lies in the movement" this sentence is reasonable, now many people always lack of exercise, lack of exercise is easy to appear obesity, coupled with the reduction of heart and lung function, organ function aging will affect immune function. Exercise 2-3 times a week and find something you enjoy.

Balanced diet

In life, we should ensure the rich diversity of food types and varieties, eat vegetables, eat fruits every day, eat more high-quality protein (such as: meat, eggs, milk, nuts, etc.), and supplement trace elements (iron: animal is better than plant), minerals, etc.; Eat less fatty meat, sweets, pickled foods, etc.

Adequate amount of water, drink water every day, adults drink 7-8 cups (about 1500-1700 ml) of water every day, drink more boiled water, drink less or try not to drink beverages.

Stay optimistic

Optimism can maintain the human body in an optimal state, especially in today's society, people face a lot of pressure, huge psychological pressure will lead to the human immune system has a suppressive effect on the hormone components increase. So they are vulnerable to colds and other diseases. Keeping a happy and optimistic mood is good for your health.

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