Guard cells. - Guard health

After the age of 25, people will begin to appear fine lines, energy decline and other conditions, after the age of 30, a number of physiological functions are rapidly declining at a rate of 0.75%-1% per year, there will be further problems such as white hair, memory loss, and sleep quality is not as good as before.


The emergence of these problems is a typical manifestation of the early age of the human body.


Human body is a collection of cells, the essence of human aging is the aging of cells, and the aging of cells is derived from the damage of the cell core - DNA.


SRW from New Zealand developed Cel 1 cell guardian capsule in its own brand laboratory, which aims at DNA damage, guards DNA from the root, delays cell aging, and only guards youth and health for you.


The main ingredient of Cel 1 patent 2-HOBA is a "smart" free radical balance from the Himalayas,

It can inhibit free radicals, building a powerful "army" outside the cell against free radical damage.


There's curcumin, which protects DNA from oxidative damage, folic acid, which is involved in cell growth and differentiation, DNA repair,

They set up "guard stations" inside to provide solid logistics support for the front line.


Strong front line + solid logistics

Provide adequate protection for cells from the inside out and delay aging from the root.

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