Did you know you need to eat NMN?

Cel2 provides all-round protection for the skin, and its ace patent NMN can supplement the NAD+ needed by the human body, improve metabolism, and resist skin aging.

One-minute test, you know you need to eat NMN?

1. Over 30 years old;

2. Poor body metabolism;

3. Insomnia, poor sleep quality, irregular work and rest;

4. Get up in the morning always feel not awake, weak;

5. More and more gray hair;

6. Skin sagging, dull, dry and rough, with aging symptoms;

7. The ability of skin regeneration is weakened, and the recovery of wounds and scars is slow;

8. Often stay up late, work overtime, work pressure;

9. More than 8 hours of work/study per day; 10. Poor exercise endurance, easy dizziness and wheezing;

11. Symptoms of amenorrhea, or poor reproductive function;

12. Work more social, often drink;

13. Hangover, stay up late, the next day headache recovery slow;

14. Daily love smoking, heavy addiction;

15. Daily mood swings, psychological depression;

16. Memory and cognitive system decline;

17. Low immunity and listlessness:

18. People with high blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar

Test result

  • If there are more than 3 of the above conditions, it indicates that NAD+ is insufficient at the beginning, and it is recommended to supplement NMN as soon as possible
  • More than 5 of the above situations indicate that the decline of NAD+ is accelerating, and it is urgent to supplement NMN, and it is recommended to persist for more than 1 year
  • There are more than 10 cases, indicating that NAD+ is seriously insufficient and NMN supplement is urgently needed, and long-term adherence is recommended
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