Cell health is the essence of life health!

There's a famous experiment called the Comet experiment:

It is to detect the state of DNA damage by single-celled organisms;

Undamaged DNA can be seen under a microscope as a rounded, well-defined shape;

When the DNA is malnourished or attacked by toxins, it takes on the appearance of a comet, and with a little tail it unravels, and the damaged DNA takes on the appearance of a comet under the microscope.

In the course of this experiment, we artificially provided it with a lot of phytonutrients, providing some vitamins and minerals needed by cells, and eight weeks later we found that the tail of the comet with DNA damage had disappeared!!

This phenomenon also fully illustrates:

Our cells are in need of an adequate supply of nutrients

Phytonutrients are also needed to reduce foreign damage, protect our cells and protect DNA!!

 Cell health is the essence of life health! To ensure cell health requires 4 main conditions: nutrition ~ energy ~ protection ~ repair!!

Therefore, it is so important for us to maintain the health and vitality of human cells

SRW cell rehabilitation and anti-aging, repair nine kinds of cell damage from three dimensions, comprehensively reduce inflammation, remove hidden dangers, and prevent diseases!!

Cel1: Intelligent balance free radicals, protect DNA, reduce the occurrence of chronic diseases;

Cel 2: Flash mitochondria, enhance cell energy and repair ability;

Cel 3: Activates the autophagy system, removes irreparable senescent cells and reduces inflammation!

 SRW Cel series 1+2+3 natural and rare powerful antioxidant ingredient combination formula, efficiently supply human cells vitality, so that cells rejuvenate healthy and young state!!

Cell healthy, people healthy; cell young,people young!!

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