Cell age can be reversed!

In March 2023, a research paper was published in the SCI journal 《Aging》. The study showed that six female participants between the ages of 46-65 were able to "reverse DNA age" by making changes to their diet, lifestyle, etc., and were 4.6 years younger on average.

 👉 Diet: Plant-centered, regular weekly animal protein supplements, intermittent fasting, 8 glasses of water a day, plus probiotics and phytonutrients 2 times a day.

 👉 Exercise: Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, at least five days a week.

 👉 Sleep: Average at least 7 hours per night.

 👉 Relaxation instruction: Take 10-minute breathing classes twice a day.

 In 2021, a similar controlled trial was conducted in 43 healthy adult men. The conclusions of both cases further suggest that reversing aging through diet and lifestyle interventions can achieve beneficial physiological age changes!

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