The five best anti-aging exercises recognized worldwide

With the growth of age, the body's various functions gradually decline, how to delay aging, maintain vitality has become a topic of concern to many people.

Scientific research shows that the right amount of exercise can not only improve physical fitness, but also effectively resist aging.

Here are five anti-aging exercises , each with its own unique health benefits.



Swimming is a systemic exercise, which has a remarkable effect on improving cardiopulmonary function and strengthening muscle strength.

Water activities reduce the influence of gravity, the pressure on the joints is small, especially suitable for middle-aged people.

A study by the American Heart Association showed that people who swim regularly have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, swimming can exercise every part of the body, helping to shape the body and reduce fat accumulation, so as to achieve anti-aging effects.


Yoga, which originated in ancient India, emphasizes the harmony of body and mind.

Through the practice of various asanas, you can not only improve the flexibility and stability of the body, but also help regulate breathing and reduce stress.

According to a Harvard University study, regular yoga practice can improve chronic pain, enhance the body's balance ability, and be very helpful in relieving symptoms such as back pain and arthritis, which are common in middle-aged people.

3、Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a typical Chinese health exercise known for its slow and gentle movements and deep breathing.

Taijiquan pays attention to the combination of movement and stillness, both internal and external cultivation, can effectively promote blood circulation, improve physical coordination.

Research published in the American Journal of Geriatric Society pointed out that tai chi can improve the cognitive function and mental state of the elderly, and has a positive impact on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

4、Brisk walking

Brisk walking is one of the easiest aerobic exercises.

It does not require any equipment to perform, it can effectively improve heart and lung function, strengthen leg muscles, and has great cardiovascular health benefits.

According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, sustained brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and help control weight and combat midlife obesity.

5、Strength training

Finally, strength training.

Muscle mass gradually decreases with age, and strength training can help maintain or even increase muscle mass.

An Australian study found that middle-aged and older adults who regularly performed strength training had a higher metabolic rate and helped burn more calories.

In addition, strength training can also increase bone density and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis.

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