Eat more of these 3 foods, supplement natural progesterone, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging!

Women over 50 years old, spend the least money, eat more of these 3 foods, supplement natural progesterone, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging!

Menopause is the phase of physical change that women least want to face, but which is inevitable.

At this stage, ovarian function is gradually declining, estrogen levels are significantly reduced, and many women will have uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and mood swings.

In addition to estrogen, menopausal women also need to pay attention to progesterone (also known as progesterone) supplements.

Progesterone is a natural hormone produced by the ovaries that works with estrogen to maintain a woman's health.

With age, the amount of progesterone secreted will also gradually decrease, resulting in women more prone to osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and other problems.

It is very important for women over the age of 50 to properly supplement foods rich in progesterone.

So, which foods are rich in progesterone?

一, flaxseed

Flaxseed is a nutrient-rich seed that contains a lot of dietary fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins.

What's more, it is rich in the progesterone precursor - linolenic acid

After linolenic acid enters the body, it can be converted into progesterone to help regulate endocrine balance and relieve menopause discomfort.

Flaxseed also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering and other health effects, very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat.

A daily intake of 10-15 grams of flaxseed can meet the body's need for progesterone.


Sesame is a common seasoning and a traditional tonic food.

It is rich in phytoestrogen-lignan, which can simulate the human body's own estrogen effect, promote the increase of bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

At the same time, linoleic acid and vitamin E in sesame seeds also help to increase progesterone levels.

It is recommended to consume 10-20 grams of sesame per day, and the long-term effect is better

三、Soybean and its products


Soybeans are an important source of plant-based protein and one of the highest sources of progesterone.

Isoflavones in soy have a similar structure to estrogen in the human body and can bind to estrogen receptors to play a role similar to estrogen.

At the same time, soy lecithin and vitamin B6 in soybeans are also conducive to improving the level of progesterone.

It is recommended to consume 50-100 grams of soy or its products per day, adjusting the intake according to personal tastes and needs.

In addition to dietary supplements, appropriate dietary supplements are also a good choice

Nowadays, NMN dietary supplements, or skin care products with NMN ingredients, have gradually accumulated a large number of female consumer groups

Benefits of NMN for women

NMN is believed to have multiple benefits, from improving cell viability, delaying aging, and improving skin quality to enhancing memory and promoting hair growth, and its influence continues to expand into multiple areas of women's health.

The benefits of NMN for men are also numerous:

These include increasing physical energy and endurance, improving cardiovascular health, promoting muscle growth and repair, enhancing sexual performance and fertility, delaying the aging process, enhancing cognitive ability, reducing signs of skin aging, maintaining bone health, and reducing the risk of disease, especially chronic disease.

The anti-aging and physiological function regulation properties of NMN have a positive impact on the overall health of men, making them benefit greatly in terms of health, vitality and longevity.

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