2% muscle loss per year after age 40? 6 scientific ways to reverse aging

As the years pass, it is inevitable that our physical functions will gradually decline.

First of all, loss of strength goes hand in hand with loss of muscle mass. 

In addition, the decline in coordination has more to do with changes in the brain and nervous system.

In the face of these inevitable physiological changes, through exercise and a healthy lifestyle, we can effectively improve our strength and coordination.

Here are six tips:

1. Get regular aerobic exercise

Do aerobic exercise at least three times a week, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or aerobics.

2. Compound strength training

At least 4 times a week or more, including squat, push, pull, turn, and step in the case of resistance and load.

3. Skilled sports participation

Pick a sport you enjoy, such as dancing, golf, tennis, basketball, and work with a coach to improve your skills.

4. Regular health management

Timely medical examination and treatment of diseases, including some orthopaedic injuries, eye diseases and some sports disorders.

5. Healthy eating programmes

Eat nutritious, protein-rich foods, including fish, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, including poultry.

6. Quality sleep

Give yourself enough sleep, because a good night's sleep allows your nervous system and brain to rest fully, whether you are 18 or 88.



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