Investing is so important that we can make it our life's work.
In reality, the vast majority of us devote far more time and energy to our work than our personal investment.
In most people's cognition, there is such a misunderstanding: I don't have money now, and when I have money, I will invest.
What is the most important in investment?
In the world of investment, there are three elements of investment, one is amount, one is time, and one is investment wisdom. Of these three elements, investment wisdom. >Time > The amount of money.
Investment wisdom is the most important, why did Buffett leave Wall Street at the age of 26 and return to his hometown to go it alone?
Because he knew he had the investment power
Is it time that we lack? Apparently not, because time is fair to everyone.
Don't we have any principal? Can most people really not come up with a few thousand dollars?
What we really lack is the wisdom to invest
If we were like Buffett, we could write good investment articles at a young age and have excellent business analysis skills. I think each of us could become very rich.
Second, how to improve our investment wisdom?
We use stock market analysis, if we want to invest in the stock market, we have to choose a company. So which company do we choose, how do we choose, how do we trade? A series of problems will arise...
This prompts us to pay attention to the company's financial reports and other news in our spare time. Some people might say, what if I can't read the earnings report? Then learn the relevant financial knowledge to equip yourself with this skill, so that we have the opportunity to continue learning.
After studying for a long time, the investment mindset will be established, and the concepts of assets, liabilities, and cash flow will be imprinted in your mind.
Whether it is to analyze the business of a listed company, or to analyze the financial situation of a family or an individual, it is very useful.
There will be many investment targets, stocks, funds, bonds, gold, Treasury bonds, futures, REITS, etc., other such as high-quality real estate, collection of art, etc., according to your financial resources, abilities, preferences, reasonable planning, the important thing is that in the process you find your life career and continue.
Investing is a career that you will follow throughout your life, and work can have a beginning and an end. But investing in a career, it stays with you for life.
But no matter what kind of investment, it is built in the process of continuous learning, so after all, it is necessary to invest in yourself and learn new skills, because only compound talents can stand out in the future, which is actually building diversified competitiveness.
So, do you think it's important to invest? It is too important to stress enough, and may we all act sooner to achieve financial freedom.