Nobel Prize winner: 90 days of meditation, body younger by 20 years

In 2017, Nobel Prize winner Elisabeth invited 239 participants to start a three-month meditation experiment. The results showed that more than 80 per cent of participants had a 30 per cent increase in telomere length, which translates to a body age younger of 20 years.

So what exactly is meditation? Meditation is a spiritual practice. Since ancient times, there have been people practicing Buddhism in our country who have pursued eternal life in the spiritual world through meditation.

This meditation, which is known to be able to stay young by the power of the spirit, is in the end a metaphysics that can stays young beautiful face, or a science that resists aging?

In 2013, the University of Michigan found that just 15 minutes of meditation a day reduced pro-inflammatory gene expression and lengthened telomeres, reversing biological age. Research published in the journal 《Nature Communications 》in 2014 also showed that meditation protects telomeres by increasing enzyme activity in the blood, thereby extending cell life.

A Swedish study of 1,300 people followed for 22 years found that long-term meditators lived an average of about seven years longer than non-meditators. In addition, more than 80% of the world's top 200 leaders have a meditation habit. Google, Apple and just about every other Fortune 500 company you can think of offers meditation classes for employees, designed to relax, build focus and increase self-awareness.

Therefore, we can properly add meditation practice to our daily life to better relax ourselves, reduce stress, improve the quality of life, and extend the healthy life span.

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