Kindness is the best “feng shui” for a person

Master Hong Yi once said, "Why do people accumulate virtue and do good deeds? When one day you encounter difficulties, what can help you get through them is the good fortune you have accumulated. The greatest investment in life is the accumulation of good deeds, the more good deeds you do, the greater your blessings, the disease will leave you, and the disaster will hide from you. If you build up good deeds, you will have good luck in life."

The world is a circle, the love you send out will never be wasted, they will come back to you in another way.

How you treat others, others will treat you; The kindness you pay hides your future road. Anyone may have a rainy day without an umbrella, you help others play an umbrella, and when the rain falls on you in the future, someone will hold up an umbrella for you.

How you treat others, others will treat you; The kindness you pay hides your future road. Anyone may have a rainy day without an umbrella, you help others play an umbrella, and when the rain falls on you in the future, someone will hold up an umbrella for you.

I like Mr. Yang Jiang's words very much: "Please keep the light in your heart, because you don't know who will borrow your light to get out of the darkness; Please keep your kindness, because you never know, who will borrow your kindness out of despair; Keep your greatest kindness toward the world, because everything you do comes back to you."

All the feelings in the world, than, you give me a candy, I will give you a small cake. You show me the stars, I'll show you the sunrise.

Kindness is a choice, but also a kind of ability. A little kindness is enough to warm the heart. One act of kindness can change a person's life.

Be a man, regardless of whether others are good or not, you should have a good heart; Do things, no matter others are good or not, you should do them well; In the world, whether others are right or not, you have to do right.

Kindness is the best "feng shui" for a person and the most beautiful fulfillment in the world. 

Please believe that your goodness hides your blessings. People with good intentions will be treated gently by the world.

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