A person is tired, often not because of too many things, not because of lack of ability, but because of emotional loss of control.
Angry, hurt the body; Anxiety, nervous; Pessimistic, sad.
Losing control of emotions not only destroys the mood, but also drags down the body.
The real health, is to learn to manage their emotions.
Anger ,hurts the body the most.
Anger is one of the most energy-consuming emotions, it is like a fire, burning not only your emotions, but also your health.
When some people are angry, they like to break things and lose their temper, thinking that this can vent emotions, but the result is that the more vent the more depressed;
Some people choose to hold their emotions in their hearts, do not speak or act, the surface is calm as water, but the heart has long been surging.
Whether explosive or depressed, the result of anger is the same: hurting yourself.
There is a saying in Chinese medicine that all diseases are born of qi.
When angry, blood pressure spikes, heart rate increases, and even the stomach is "protesting."
You think you are punishing others, in fact, the most hurt only yourself.
So, when you encounter something that makes you angry, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and tell yourself: "It's no big deal, health is the most important thing."
Anxiety, makes people age faster.
Anxiety is the most common emotional poison in modern people.
Worry about a bad job, worry about kids getting bad grades, worry about not saving enough, and even worry about the future thing unhappened yet.
Anxiety is like an invisible net, trapping people firmly, the more struggle, the more powerless.
Have you ever noticed that many of the things that make us anxious never happen in the end? And those really difficult problems will not be solved because of your anxiety.
There is a saying in psychology: "The anxiety of an advance is the most unnecessary consumption."
Instead of letting anxiety drag you down, learn to press the pause button on your mind. Slow down, take a walk, watch the flowers bloom, give your brain a rest.
Remember, life is like a long run, only with a flat mind, can you run further.
Pessimism ,consumes the most vitality of life.
Pessimistic people tend to look at life as a mess. When something goes wrong, he feels like the world is falling down; Encounter a setback, feel that life is hopeless.
However, life is never only dark, there will be sunshine. If you look at things from a pessimistic perspective, you will only go down further and further. By looking at things in a positive light, you can find your way up from the bottom.
Someone said, "An optimistic person, even if he falls down, will pick up a stone; A pessimist, even on level ground, worries about a pit beneath his feet."
Learn to adjust your mentality and let yourself out of pessimism. Tell yourself that the world is big, today's bad is just a small episode, and the future has infinite possibilities.
Nine times out of ten, life doesn't work out the way you want it to, and losing control of your emotions just makes life harder.
When angry, learn to control; When anxious, learn to let go; Learn to change your mind when you are pessimistic.
Learn to make peace with your emotions.